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Lastest Episodes From The Make Work Not Suck



Episode 19

How to Overcome Invisible Systems and Add Value with Iky Chan

A former leader in a $12 billion multinational tech company shares her invaluable insights on navigating corporate challenges


Episode 18

Election Year Uncertainty: How It Makes Work Suck and What Leaders Can Do About It

How political shifts impact companies at every level—from executive decisions down to the frontline employee’s daily tasks.


Episode 17

Stop Firing the Wrong People: Fix the Real Problem in Your Business

Too many organizations jump straight to firing people when the results don’t match expectations, but the real issue often lies in unclear vision and a missing journey.


Episode 16

Strategic Pressure: How to Apply It Without Breaking Your Team or Your Business

The art of applying pressure strategically within your business. Knowing when to push, when to hold back, and how to avoid organizational whiplash.


Episode 15

Is Your Process Failing? How to Give Your Business a Reality Check

When you push SOPs that don’t align with the current state of your company, you create chaos, confusion, and inefficiency within your teams.


Episode 14

Conflicting Priorities: Why Your Team is Struggling to Get Anything Done

Whether it’s sales versus operations, or budget constraints clashing with urgent software rollouts, conflicting priorities can grind progress to a halt and make work miserable for everyone.


Episode 12

Breaking the Monotony: How to Make Repetitive Work Less Soul-Crushing

In this episode co-hosts Daniel Steere and Ryan Hodges relive one of the most dreaded aspects of any job: monotonous, repetitive tasks.


Episode 13

How the Right Peer Group Can Help You Break Through Business Challenges

One of the most common struggles for business leaders: finding a group of like-minded peers who truly understand your business challenges.


Episode 11

Redline vs. Greenline

The episode discusses the implications of moving backward through the stages of vision, journey, culture, and results, and introduces the concept of red lining and green lining in problem-solving.


Episode 10

The Real Meaning of Healthy & Effective Workplaces

In this episode of the Make Work Not Suck podcast, the hosts discuss the importance of defining and assessing organizational health and effectiveness using a new paradigm, emphasizing alignment with vision and culture.


Episode 9

How to MWNS for Executives, Managers, and Frontline Workers

In this episode of the Make Work Not Suck podcast, the hosts discuss practical applications of their framework for individuals, managers, and executives to improve workplace satisfaction.


Episode 8

Achieving Organizational Balance

The "Make Work Not Suck" podcast discusses how to utilize the framework of vision, journey, culture, and results to improve workplace dynamics and balance organizational strengths.


Episode 7

Transforming Your Career with the VJCR

The podcast episode discusses the application of the paradigm shift towards making work more fulfilling, focusing on understanding individual strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots.


Episode 6

Why Chasing Results Won’t Save Your Business

The podcast episode discusses the importance of balancing results with the journey in business, highlighting how excessive focus on results can lead to detrimental consequences.


Episode 5

Defining Culture: Autonomy vs. Anarchy

The episode explores the importance of organizational culture in relation to roles, behaviors, and performance metrics, showcasing examples of both effective and ineffective cultures.


Episode 4

Mastering the Journey - How to Achieve Your Vision

The episode discusses the importance of the journey in achieving a vision, emphasizing the mental aspect and execution within a business, using examples like Chick-fil-A and Disney to illustrate successful customer experiences.


Episode 3

Why Vision Matters in Every Organization

The hosts delve into the distinctions between vision, purpose, mission, and values, emphasizing the necessity of aligning personal beliefs with organizational objectives.


Episode 2

A New Paradigm for Work

In this episode, the hosts discuss the need for a paradigm shift in thinking about work, emphasizing the balance between emotional intelligence (EQ) and intellectual intelligence (IQ) in organizations.


Episode 1

Why does work suck?

The various root causes, such as outdated management structures, lack of autonomy, and overemphasis on outdated methodologies.