Quickly Diagnose People Issues, Cut directly to the point, by remaining finely attuned to the heartbeat of your employees.
The Simplaphi Method provides comprehensive frameworks and strategies to enhance organizational effectiveness. We empower businesses to achieve transformative change through proven methodologies.
A mastermind for like-minded leaders who are committed to growing their people, profits, and purpose. Together, we'll help you overcome challenges, build your legacy, and achieve the balanced success you’ve been striving for - guaranteed.
EDGE Marketing combines go-to market analysis, demand generation, and our proven methodology to optimize your marketing strategy and investment to elevate your qualified pipeline.
Specializing in turnaround services, board advisory, M&A assimilation, and leadership planning. We help businesses scale and overcome challenges using our Elevate and Momentum theory.
We aim to create a world where the exchange of gifts becomes an opportunity to craft stories that connect people, celebrate relationships, and leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of human experience.
A leading venture capital firm committed to supporting visionary entrepreneurs and fueling the growth of transformative businesses.