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Episode 18

Election Year Uncertainty: How It Makes Work Suck and What Leaders Can Do About It

How political shifts impact companies at every level—from executive decisions down to the frontline employee’s daily tasks.


Episode 18

Election Year Uncertainty: How It Makes Work Suck and What Leaders Can Do About It

Election years bring a whirlwind of uncertainty that can paralyze businesses. In this episode of Make Work Not Suck, Daniel Steere and Ryan Hodges explore how political shifts impact companies at every level—from executive decisions down to the frontline employee’s daily tasks. As we approach a presidential election, we discuss how business leaders can lead their teams through uncertain times and make work suck less despite the challenges.

From delayed hiring decisions to stalled projects and budget cuts, uncertainty surrounding tax policies, interest rates, and regulations is leaving companies in limbo. We explore how this affects employees’ morale, how executives can communicate during these ambiguous periods, and why scenario planning can provide clarity in an unpredictable landscape.


• [00:00] How Election Year Uncertainty Impacts Work for Everyone

• [01:18] Why Companies Are Pausing Major Decisions Until After November

• [04:29] The Trump Tax Plan Expiration and What It Means for Business Owners

• [06:38] Business Owners’ Dilemma: Hire Now or Wait for New Tax Regulations?

• [08:47] How the Uncertainty Trickles Down to Employees and Managers

• [13:35] Leadership Advice: Navigating Your Team Through Uncertainty

• [17:01] Connecting the Dots Between Politics and Your Work

• [19:32] Why the Election Year Affects Regulatory Industries the Most

• [23:49] Practical Steps for Employees, Managers, and Executives to Cope with Uncertainty

• [27:56] How Managers Can Keep Teams Focused and Engaged

• [28:38] Why Now is a Good Time to Roll Out Tools Like OrgCore for Organizational Health

Key Takeaways:

For Executives: Outline your company’s vision and prepare multiple scenarios depending on election outcomes. Communicate transparently with your teams about why certain decisions are being delayed and how you plan to move forward post-election.

For Managers: Increase communication, even when you don’t have all the answers. Be a steady presence and help your team understand how macroeconomic factors are influencing the company’s decisions.

For Employees: Be patient with your leaders and stay curious about how political changes might affect your work. Use this time to lean into strategic thinking and align with the company’s vision, even during uncertain times.

Don’t let election uncertainty hold your business back! Whether you’re a senior executive making big decisions or an employee wondering why projects are on hold, tune in to find out how to make work suck less during this chaotic time.

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